Prince George's County's First African-American Settlement (1924)
Town of North Brentwood's Mayor and Town Council enact legislation to carry out state and county mandates, implement community projects, and provide municipal services.
Ordinance - municipal law, which may be amended or repealed by adoption of another ordinance
Resolution - consensus/opinion about public policy, when passing law is unnecessary/infeasible
Proclamation - official, important statement by the Mayor and/or Town Council.
To view the full documents, make an appointment at the Town office.
Recent Legislation
2022-07 | Town Treasurer Pay Increase
2022-06 | ARPA Assistance Program
2022-05 | Energy Assistance Program
2022-04 | Circuit Rider Town Mgr Program
2022-03 | 4510 41st Ave Redevelopment
2022-02 | Rhode Island Ave Parklet Grant
2022-01 | Opioid National Settlement
The Town's fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30th the following year.
Town Charter & Codes
The Town of North Brentwood's current charter was approved in 2002, and updated in 2008 and 2022. This document outlines the organizational structure of the Town's administration and procedures.
To read the Town of North Brentwood's full Charter and Administrative Codes (legislation), click here.